Wednesday, December 30, 2009

sekalii aja ngepost in english..

hey fellies :)..

you know why I post this one in english? bcoz I miss to use english maan..
oyeah, before the point, im going to sorry bcoz I didnt post for long time, I expressly to do this bcoz i want to post on the new year eve, but I cant wait it for loong.


so me, my mom, and my brother went to the plaza semanggi to accompannied my mom to her reunion. she said me and my brother could watch a movie if we want. so i said to my mom yes.. me and my brother walked downstair and we decided to went to the CDstore.. there we bought some CDs and suddenly somebody call me, and it was inez, we talked much about our school. then me and my brother went upstair to the cinema. we decided to watch avatar, but I think its better if we watch it with our family. and my brother said okay, but we must watch alvin and the chipmunks so I bought the tickets for three (include my maid) so we enjoy the movie.. here are my favorite pics:)

the chipmunks and the chippettes

now, the second story..
so me and my family went to PIM. we wanted to watch AVATAR. me and my family watched avatar in the premiere the cozy one. there were very full so we got the second line. I think avatar was totally cool!! you guys must watch it.. here are my favorite scene:)

---nabilla agii

Friday, December 11, 2009

sabtu pagii :)

hello bloggies..

akhirnya ULUM selesai juga.. tinggal sporty labs sama SSN deeh.. SSN 7A ke panti jompo.. bingung kenapa harus ke panti jompo? tanya aja sama WTOK dan bu eliin-___- sebenernya sih kebaratan juga.. kenapa harus ke panti jompo-___- yaudah laah, biar di jadiin pengalaman aja.. sporty labs, semoga 7A banyak menang lomba.. kejadian waktu 17-an jgn sampe terulang lagi.. oh ya.. aku baru punya kakak2an baru lagi looooh.. Kak Aldeina Putriandita.. sang Ketua Bidang 1 OSIS.. hueheehe.. tapi kak ziha tidak akan kulupakan laah.. seneng deh.. kita jadi tgl 111209.. kemaren.. woohoo.. keren abiss.. kakak2an ku nambah lagi niih.. hehehe.. kan enak bisa kenal sama kakak kelas, jadi tau kegiatan apa aja yg harus di jalanin.. semester 2 ada LDKS.. takut, iya.. gemeteran, iya.. tau kenapa? karena aku trauma MOS.. semoga bisa jadi OSIS.. amiiiin.. udhn yaa.. byee..


Thursday, December 10, 2009

ULUM experience..

maaf yaa baru posting lagi, soalnya sibuk ULUM.. sekarang baru bisa posting.. jadi, selama aku bersekolah di labsky, baru kali ini menghadapi ULUM. ternyata ulum itu kayak ulangan biasa, tapi lebih formal. nilai ku gimana yaa?? hmm.. semoga bagus semua.. tadi seneng banget jadi tertinggi bahasa indonesia looh.. seneeeeng banget!! yaa walaupun nilai yang lainnya lumayan.. hehehe.. doain ya semuanya, biar nilainya baguss.. jadi, selama ulum.. aku sama my bestestfriend, safina makan di langsat corner.. yaa sekedar berbagi cerita gimana ULUM tadi.. safina sama aku kadang suka beda jawaban.. tapi gak tau mana yang bener, hehehe.. udhn yaa, mau makan spaghetti dulu yaa..

- Agii

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

halo lagi..

maaf yaa aku udh lama gak posting disini lagi, habis banyak ulangan plus banyak acara keluarga, jadi gak bisa posting.. maaf yaa pak ucook..
jadi, hari ini dua desember dua ribu sembilan, aku ultah ke 12 looh.. ucapan dan kado berlimpah.. makasih yaa yang udh ngucapin.. kue opera coklat nya langsung abis di serbu sama anak 7A.. seneng bgt, acaranya berjalan sukses.. tapi, untung gak ada yang ngerjain.. udhn yaa mau ngelanjutin PR bu rina, dadaaah :)

-Agi 7A (30)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

NEWS haha:)



hari ini gue mau update posting gue di blog ini..
gue mau ngasih tau..


kemaren waktu UH PKn, gue dapet nilai tertinggi loooh, pas 8,57..
padahal kata kelas lain, susssaaaaah bgt.. seneeeeeng gue (apa banget)

trus, gue baru jadian pretend sister sama kak zihaaa sang bendahara 1 OSIS..
tanggal 041109 huahahaa :)
kak ziha baiiiik bgt, bersedia berbagi cerita tentang langkah menjadi OSIS..
sussaaah ya ternyata.. (emang) dia ngedoain gue biar nilai PKn gue bagus, dan ternyata dikabulin>> thx ya kaaak:)

nih foto kak zihaa..

udahan yaaa..
-agi (30) 7A

Free Personal signatures - cool!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

kak Putri Athira

jadi, pertama kali gw knal kakak yg satu ini lwt MSN.. awalnya, gw siih gugup gitu, tapi kak puput baik bgt, jadi gak gugup lagi deeh..
menurut gw, dia sangat ramah dan cantik.. jadi ketum OSIS SMA lagi.. kagum gw..
jadi, waktu gw nembak dia jadi kakak kakak an gw :

gw : kak, mau gak jadi kakak kakak an ku? kan di SMP ada istilah gitu, jadi klo ke kakak SMA gak apa apa kaan?
kak puput : hmm.. boleh boleh:)
gw : makasih yaa kaaak..

gw seneng bgt bisa jadi adek adek an nya diaaa...
penasaran? ini dia fotonya...

*kak puput and her friend*

kak puput itu yg pake baju abu-abu.. cantik kaan? she my loveable pretend sister too..

created by : agii

kak Amindari Nadia F.

jadi, gue pertama kali kenalan sama kakak yg satu ini lwt MSN..
trus gue sama dia chatting gitu.. seru and asyik bgt org nya
baik and cantik bgt.. mansis bendahara 1.. penerusnya adalah kak Maryam Nazihah..
jadi, waktu pertama kali gue nembak dia jadi kakak kakak an gue :

gue : " kakak mau gak jadi kakak2an ku? "
kak fitri : " udh "
gue : " loh, kan belom ak tembak?? "
kak fitri : " hah? di tembak? mksdnya? gak ngerti "
gue : " ya sudahlah lupakan saja -__- "

yaudah akhirnya dia jadi kakak kakak an gue...
penasaran? ini dia fotonya..

*kak fitri and her mom*

mirip cina, yaa? gue sih udh nanya sama dia ada keturunan cina apa nggak.. tapi katanya gak ada.. hmm.. org kyk simple bgt yaa?? hehe, nevermind.. you still my loveable pretend sister:)

created by : agii

Saturday, August 29, 2009

hey buddy:)

what a day.. boring boring boring...
i dont know how i could explain you guys how im feel right now..
hey, this pic is cool, right?
and few days ago, before fasting month, me and my friends went to PIM and do lots of things together, like watched movie, ate at the foodcourt and went to photostudio, very cool, if you guys wanna see me and my friends photo, you guys can see it all at my profile on facebook..
but, you guys can also see me and my friends here, on, haha:)

ok, so..
bye now..


Saturday, August 15, 2009


its me again...
i wanna tell yall something about myskully

sometimes, its boring, but its pretty cool, i think :)
especially for the ekskul, its cool..
france, LECC, japan, jujitsu, softball..
its all cooooooool :)
and the boring parts are..
- hard
- many HOMEWORK !!! i HATE homework !!!
- enterdark homedark
- tired of moving class
- boring class
- boring teachers
- blablablabla :(

hahahaha !!!
and now, what ? all the seventh grader must read at least two novels in one semester !!
shock! thats my feeling that time! but, the fun was, we all have to post what the novel is, and the sinoption in our blog !! fun? isn't it ?
and this is the novel i was reading now..

negeri 5 menara

i think, its a cool novel, the story is talking about the 6 santri that have a dreams to study and work hard to reach their dreams : go international. to reach that, they believe that all dreams can come true, because we work hard and study hard, they have one amazing word that they can never forgot till die: "man jadda wajada"
so, i was amazed, the last page wrote that all the dreams are come true !!!
its cool, right ?? :)

oh, yeah ! i almost forgot, have you guys watch GI.JOE ?
its veryverycoooool!! you guys must watch it !!!
byeeesss :)
hasta la vista
hahahaha :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

its me :p

hey bloggers...
its me again..
last week, i ate soursally in pacific place mall

today, i'll going to the pacific place mall again, to eat soursally and watch UP..
here's the pic
" UP "
Up Pictures, Images and Photos
mom's is already shouted, she force me to eat..
soo, byeees..
- nabillageeh

Friday, July 31, 2009

hey yall<3

hey yall..
its me, nabillageeh...
this is my own blog, i made it my self, before this blog, i have blog too, but i cant open it..
i dont know what's going on..
just cut it out>>
soo, byeee...